Electromagnetic Biological Destruction: Trust the Science
CHARDON - Dozens of wireless telecommunications deregulation bills are making their way through Congress; most notably HR 3557. As non-elected regulatory agencies such as the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continue beating the drum of how safe and secure wireless electromagnetic frequency (EMF) communication is, non-industry-funded scientists the world over are singing a different tune.

Prolonged exposure to man-made electromagnetic frequencies, which give off short bursts – or pulses – of non-ionizing radiation, have been proven, in literally thousands of peer-reviewed studies – including a recent $25 million study carried out by the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) National Toxicology Program – to induce a plethora of biological ailments and disease in humans (and wildlife); some immediate and some cumulative.
Although most of us cannot overtly feel this radiation, and although it is “non-thermal,” it is most definitely affecting our biological systems. Moreover, a growing population exists of those diagnosed with Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS), aka Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a very real condition (despite wireless industry attempts to label the condition as psychosomatic) where simply being in the immediate vicinity of EMFs given off by cell phones, Wi-Fi, or SMART meters becomes unbearable.
The Institute of Building Biology (Baubiologie), a non-governmental German organization comprised of scientists and physicians from numerous fields, said this in its 2015 report: “…at a fraction of this [legal standard] radio frequency (RF) radiation level the blood-brain barrier opens, EEG patterns change, tumors increase, cellular defects occur, nerves are damaged, blood cells clump together, the immune system goes out of whack, etc…Since the [Federal Communications Commission/International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection] scientific assessment, which forms the basis for exposure limits, limits itself to thermal effects,…they jump to the conclusion: If there is no heating of the body, there is no risk.” A petition calling for stricter EMF safety guidelines, signed by 250 scientists in agreement with Baugiologie’s assessment, was sent to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015.
Proven biological effects caused by EMF output far below FCC guidelines
∙580 μw/cm2 – FCC “general population” safety limit (96x the level at which EMF begins to damage cell DNA)
10.0 μw/cm2 – “Safety” limit for China, Poland, and Russia; a level at which changes in behavior (avoidance) have been documented after only 30 minutes of exposure
∙9.5 μw/cm2 – “Safety” limit for Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg
∙7.93 μw/cm2 – EMF output of a single Itron SMART meter
∙6.0 μw/cm2 – DNA damage in cells
∙4.0 μw/cm2 – Changes in the brain's hippocampus affecting memory and learning
∙2.5 μw/cm2 – Altered calcium metabolism in heart muscle cells
∙1.0 μw/cm2 – (Laptop Wi-Fi) Sperm DNA fragmentation and decrease in sperm viability, as well as dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and indigestion
∙.1 μw/cm2 – Baubiologie level of extreme concern
∙.05 μw/cm2 – Headaches, irritation, and concentration difficulties in children ages 8-17
∙.000027 Premature aging of pine needles
∙.000002 μw/cm2 – Minimum signal strength/power density for a cell phone to work

Despite decades of expanding knowledge about non-ionizing radiation and its laundry list of harmful effects, the FCC has held firm on its 27-year-old 580 microwatts/centimeter2 (μw/cm2) limit for the general public (see above chart for context). Encouragingly, in 2021, the DC circuit court ruled against the FCC and their unwillingness to update their EMF guidelines, stating that the case “…be remanded to the commission to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation.” So far, they have yet to take any action to amend their guidelines.
We have been told, ad nauseum, since the advent of the COVID “pandemic,” to “trust the science.” If we are to oblige in regards to man-made EMFs and their deleterious effects on human biology, the results are abundantly clear. We must stop HR 3557 and its sibling bills before EMFs result in further biological catastrophe.