First GOP Presidential Debate Explodes in Turmoil, Elder Moves to Sue RNC

Radio host and political presidential hopeful Larry Elder is threatening legal action after being prohibited from attending the first GOP presidential debate on Wednesday.

Elder announced on Monday, that he believed he had the prerequisite signatures and polling to permit him onto the debate stage for the first republican presidential debate.

Just 24 hours before the debate scheduled for Wednesday, August 23, the Larry Elder campaign was informed by the RNC that they would not accept at least one of his polls due to the potential connection to former president Donald Trump, a candidate who will not be appearing at the debate.

According to a twitter post from Elder, the RNC invalidated at least one of his polls from Rasmussin, arguing it’s connection to the former President would call it’s validity into question.

“I intend to sue the RNC to halt Wednesday’s presidential debate,” Elder said in a Twitter post. “I said from the beginning that it appeared the rules of the game were rigged, little did we know just how rigged it is. For some reason, the establishment leaders at the RNC are afraid of having my voice on the debate stage. Just as I had to fight to successfully be on the ballot in the California recall election, I will fight to be on that debate stage because I fully met all of the requirements to do so.”

During his interview with the Monday Night Roundtable team, Elder stated one of the primary reasons he is running is to bring attention to the epidemic of fatherlessness which is sweeping the country to help turn the tide for the culture towards responsibility as well as bringing attention to school choice.

“I am running because even as good as Donald Trump was, he is not talking about the number one epidemic plaguing this country, and it is not Covid but the epidemic of fatherlessness,” Elder said. “70 percent of black kids in the world today do not have a father in the home, now 25 percent of white kids do not have a father in the home married to the mother. A kid raised without a father is 5 times more likely to be poor and commit crime. No one is talking about this; the left is not talking about it because they created it with the welfare state.”