How The Recent Debate on Immigration Hides the Ultimate Grift
From The Heartland Beat
Over the last two months the national headlines have been hyper-focused on a few mile stretch of road on the border of Texas. The arguments have surrounded the current Biden administration’s plan to continue to permit unfettered access to the country to whoever wants in while providing them thousands of dollars and no monitoring once through ,versus the Governor of Texas who is proposing that drug and child trafficking is bad and should probably be more closely watched.

As the debate raged on surrounding a short mile of land called Eagle Pass, now wrapped in razor wire, many ignored the fact that .5 miles further down that same road there was no barrier at all, or monitoring of any kind. While some might argue the entire debate is simply window dressing to gear up for the next election cycle, others have pointed out that the national debate is lip service for a problem that is taking root in nearly every state across the country, including Ohio, with no real end ever considered. This debate has made more people than ever aware of a shocking conspiracy theory that the left has been quick to “debunk” while acknowledging it is happening nearly every chance it gets.
In 1925, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the Pan-European Union, published his book entitled Praktischer Idealismus. In this book Kalergi argued for a unified race-mixed Europe which he believed would bring an end to cultural strife between the nations, and hopefully war itself. However his vision of the future did not end at what would later become the blueprint for the now European Union and future groups like the World Economic Forum. It stretched beyond to a future world in which the centralized European control structure that would be birthed from his ideals would eventually expand to the African continent and more and all races would become one.
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