OPINION: Roll Call
By P. Hogan
Doom and Gloom is the news of the day and the selling point of our governing elites. They seek to darken the path and create more wake in our already troubled waters. But a rope is only as strong as its knot tied to the harbor dock that brings you back in. In an effort of moving forward in a time begging for reactionary division, it may be prudent to light a path forward of positivity and unification. We may not always agree with our brothers, sisters, and neighbors, but we all have a duty to pick them up and move forward as Americans, as we’ve always done, and always will do.
One of the core tenants to being a productive member of society, is to look to the past. It not only helps us move forward, it will explain how we’ve gotten so far, and perhaps teach us lessons that we clearly haven’t learned ourselves, but countless others have fought, died, and been forgotten to the winds of history. But those winds still blow, even if we fail to notice them.
The first order of business in lighting a path is understanding what you see when you see it. Don’t let others tell you what to think. Instead, one should collect, observe, report and take action. Whether the first responder or librarian, the average American is at one time and all times, here to help. Firefighters run towards fire and officers to the sound of gunfire-despite what a talking head is telling you, they have sworn to lay down their lives to save yours. Books are on a shelf for a reason. It’s high time to dust them off and understand our nation’s history. It’s never been perfect. We’ve fought, died, buried our families, and done it over and over again. The American revolution, the war of 1812, the French and Indian War, Civil Wars, and every great war in between; there’s always disagreement, sometimes violence, but eventually America wakes up in the morning, brews her coffee and gets back to work.
There’s blood and bodies buried in the ground beneath you and I, but that ground is ours, and sometimes we need to work on its foundations. That time is now. So wake up, brew your coffee or tea and go outside. Look to your neighbor and ask if they want a cup. Invest in your community. Whether you help your neighbor paint a fence, help them talk through a rough week with that cup of joe. Make yourself an asset. Make yourself a commodity; CREATE-Whether it’s as simple as a smile or as complex as a rocking chair. Your block and every block is America. Go to your library and understand the earth you walk on, then put something back into it. Be a neighbor, be a father to someone who needs guidance, a teacher to someone willing to listen. Be an American. Alright, get to work.