Weekly News Roundup
Find stories below that have been hand-selected by citizen journalists to keep you up to date on State News from around the web.
Ohio Bulletin Issued for New, Deadly Drug Combinations - By J.D. Davidson, Ohio Star by way of Center Square
Republicans want stay of order that stops foreign money ban - J.D. Davidson, The Center Square
Yost wants minority Ballot Board court filings tossed - J.D. Davidson, The Center Square
GOP attorneys general seek to stop new attempt at forgiveness of student loans - Joe Mueller, The Center Square
LaRose Wants Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote in Ohio - J.D. Davidson, The Center Square
Ohio Wage Hikes Can’t Keep Up With Inflation - J.D. Davidson, The Center Square
Cuyahoga Democrats Speak Out on the Ever-Increasing Property Taxes - Brian Massie, Lobbyists for Citizens