My Home Is Gone: A Eulogy for Springfield

Originally posted on The Heartland Beat
There are many ways to kill a town and over the years Springfield, Ohio has endured through nearly all of them. Once a blossoming manufacturing town set to outpace one of the Three C’s, and star of Newsweek’s 50th Anniversary edition cover, Springfield gave birth to a flourishing blue collar community that built railways and high-rises with blistered, calloused hands. In those happy years of the early 1900’s, Springfield fed families with grocers in every corner and kept roofs over heads through long hours at one of the many car, broom or bus manufacturers that used to call the city home. But times change. Reaganomics opened doors abroad for jobs to flee and NAFTA became law. The International plant closed its doors, buses no longer rolled out of the garage at BMY and the forges at Bauer Brothers had long been snuffed out.

As destructive as ‘free trade’ was to Springfield, it endured for years after, limping along into the new millennium suffering from the cancers of a power vacuum left when economic prosperity becomes a fading memory. Prostitution, drugs and other criminal enterprises slowly suck the life out of towns that lost their purpose to Globalism. Yet as catastrophic as it has been to watch the once mighty manufacturing powerhouse of Springfield rot away into bordered up, graffiti laden filth, it endured on life support for years on the powerful heart of its people. These residents would put their lives on pause if they saw your car stuck in a ditch and offer to help pull it out. It was a town that, despite its blemishes and illnesses, still shared a coherent culture of working class Americana. Unfortunately, a thing is only as good as the parts that make it up and those parts are slowly starting to realize it may be time to leave. Springfield, a town that survived economic collapses, depressions, cartel trafficking and citywide fires has seen more ills than most, but has finally collapsed under the weight of an international conspiracy years in the making. Much like the local duck population that once graced the various ponds and parks in the city, Springfield has been beheaded and carried off to be eviscerated by barbarism in another replacement plan.
By now, many are aware of the viral video of a local resident pleading in vain to Springfield city council to assist her as her once small town of 60,000 residents has exploded with over 20,000 Haitian immigrants, some of which camp out on her lawn yelling at her in foreign tongues and throwing trash over her walkways.

Thanks to the enterprising efforts of NGO’s like HIAS, the once peaceful parks in the town that used to be filled with the sound of children’s laughter now sit lifeless as allegedly the ducks and wildlife are beheaded in the open and dragged off to encampments to be cooked over open flames. Residents say they fear for the safety of their pet companions as some have reported missing cats found later strung up from trees ready to be cut up for meals. After an illegal immigrant from Haiti caused a school bus crash last August, killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark when the child was thrown out of the emergency exit as the bus rolled off the road and another 20 students were injured, residents have repeatedly demanded the city take a more active approach to policing the Haitians who, despite their inability to speak the language or understand our laws somehow still manage to get a driver’s license while driving over curbs, hitting property and causing chaos throughout the city.

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This resident begged the council to send the Highway patrol out to the Haitian areas, that have now been described as “under occupation” by another resident, since they have nothing better to do than pull over drivers for burnt out tail lights. These are the pleas of people afraid to leave their homes due to increased violence. The response to this issue has been predictable. In July, city manager Bryan Heck wrote to leaders of the Senate Banking Committee asking for more federal funding.
"Springfield has seen a surge in population through immigration that has significantly impacted our ability as a community to produce enough housing opportunities for all," Heck wrote.
In a speech to Shelby Republicans, Kyle Koehler echoed the concerns of medical workers across the city who have seen hospitals turn to utter chaos.
“Our County Health Department has reported an increase in HIV over the last five years,” Koehler said. “Based on his numbers we will hit an increase of 871%. Nurses have confirmed that an entire wing of our medical center is filled with nothing but Haitians getting treated for HIV. 70% of all scheduled cesarians are Haitian women who cannot deliver due to HIV. TB cases are also up over 500%.”
According to Koehler, these refugees are bussed or flown over directly and given around $1600 per month in direct cash assistance on top of Medicaid and SNAP benefits. Residents have noted that the local Wal-Mart located on Bechtel Avenue is flooded with Haitians on the first of the month when SNAP benefits typically get deposited, and as we all know, the answer to flooding a small town with an incompatible culture is to print more money, devaluing the currency through inflation and crushing the purchasing power of those native born Americans that helped build this town. Koehler also stated that over 8,000 “youth”, including 19 year old’s have been enrolled in school, sitting in classrooms with 13 year old boys and girls.

The move is predictable as we have previously covered how flooding towns with immigrants becomes a domino effect leading to Smart Cities and digital Identification and nowhere is that more indicated than the United States Conference of Mayors, of which, Springfield Mayor Rob Rue is a member.

The US Conference of Mayors was founded in 1932 as a response to the great depression, helping to facilitate the dispersal of federal funds to local communities. Today, it facilitates much the same purpose, disseminating agenda items from the federal government, down to the local level. Its website outlines many initiatives including using its guidance programs to help mayors navigate difficult situations, such as explaining why foreigners are throwing mattresses and other garbage on your lawn and the city won’t do anything to stop it.

Among it’s current initiatives is also advocacy. Using it’s significant pull of 1400 mayors across the country, the organization advocates for pushing legislation for things like approving citizenship for potential Snyder Park voodoo ritual practitioners and advocating for the creation of Smart Cities which would utilize Carbon Tax initiatives to limit movement. The organization also advocated for the passing of immigration reform bills that would help facilitate the rollout of digital ID. It should be noted that the national conversation has gravitated away from building a wonderful wall, such as present in Israel, for biometric security apparatuses that will not actually fix the problem of people crossing illegally. If you think Digital IDs will only be issued to “illegal immigrants,” I have a vaccine to sell you.

Chief among the roll out of these issues with the USCM is its connection to the World Economic Forum and thus globalist intent of creating. Leadership for USCM include Columbus, Ohio mayor Andrew J. Ginther, who is also a member of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, a local action arm of the World Economic Forum’s green initiative policies that tracks how far along cities are in their plan to turn major metropolitan areas into dystopian wastelands.
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