OPINION: The Dark Truth
As Ohio Wrestles with Abortion Amendment, We Look at Who Is Pushing It and Why.
This Article was originally published at The Heartland Beat.
As Ohio dances on the precipice of a constitutional abortion amendment, a deep dive into a long-forgotten controversy surrounding the industry may give insight into the power players behind the recent push.
In 2015, an anti-abortion organization called The Center for Medical Progress, released the first of several videos from undercover investigations detailing how abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, handle the disposal of fetal remains after the procedure. The results of the investigation set off a firestorm across the country.
In one of the more controversial of their videos, independent investigators with the organization videotaped a conversation with Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola. In the sting, investigators acted as medical researchers interested in procuring fetal remains from the organization for the purposes of research and development. The video sent shockwaves across the country upon its release, partly due to the flippant nature in which Nucatola discussed how doctors perform the operation but also with how Nucatola described how the organization defines or writes up the process to evade federal laws on organ trafficking.
In the video, the fake buyers ask Nucatola, “How much of a difference can that actually make, if you know kind of what’s expected, or what we need” and her response forced multiple states to initiate investigations across the country into their practices.
“It makes a huge difference,” Nucatola said. “I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part. We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact. With the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex, So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”

After multiple state investigations into the matter, judiciary committees found no evidence that Planned Parenthood was actually “selling” the fetal remains. Rather, Planned Parenthood argued that the remains were “donated” to bioresearch firms, who often compensate Planned Parenthood for their trouble. These transactions are documented as separate donations rather than as products sold, thus skirting federal regulation. In addition to this, despite the videos clearly indicating that doctors will do their best to preserve certain parts and alter their strategy in removing the fetal remains if they know a firm is asking for specific parts, it would appear federal investigators found no evidence of what Nucatola was claiming in the video.
In the ensuing months, Planned Parenthood launched an immediate retaliatory campaign against the Centers for Medical Progress, mostly aimed at the argument the claims were “debunked.” Afterall, the fetal remains were not sold, merely donated. Any financial compensation received was entirely separate from the process of receiving the preserved fetal parts.
As convincing as the semantics may have been for outlets such as NPR, of even the Federal Government, it was evident that for those in the general public who actually watched the videos, the cat may not have been able to fit back into the proverbial bag.
Articles cropped up attempting to impose a sense of humanity on what may be perceived as an otherwise inhumane industry. Bioresearch facilities went in depth into how they receive test tubes from undisclosed processing facilities in California containing processed liver and other organ cell lines derived from the fetal remains taken from abortions. This genetic material is then injected into lab rats creating new genetic chimeras, or human-rat hybrids that they can then test chemical compounds on.

In 2015, it may have been a bit calming to hear how the National Institute of Health, or NIH, was funding the development of “fetal tissue research,” as it was being called, as a means to normalize the subject matter. Fast forward to 2021, and people’s understanding of this institution has radically changed. The terms “life saving research” now no longer translates to “helping cure disease” so much as developing bioweapons. And the term “vaccine” has an entirely different connotation. The Federal government has been openly funding this research for decades, both by funding Planned Parenthood to create the raw material from killing unborn children, and then through the NIH to further process and find utility for the condensed material, that is, outside of simple bioweapons research. To that end, they have been incredibly successful.
While proponents of the research often argue that tissue used in the development of “vaccines” is from a single abortion in the 1970’s, often referred to as HEK-293, it is far from the only sample being used. The argument often used by proponents of child organ harvesting is that “they only use ‘HEK 293’, those are cloned aborted cells derived from the fetal kidney from a single abortion in Europe in the 1970’s.” However, simply take a look at the process from a company formally known as Senomyx to develop a new line of artificial sweeteners used in fast food and colas, changes that narrative.
“We cloned human and rat T1Rs for functional expression experiments. The G protein or G proteins that couple to the T1Rs in vivo are not known. Consequently, we transiently transfected the human T1Rs into a HEK-293-derived cell line that stably expresses Gα15.”
For clarification, T1R is a taste receptor cell expressed in your taste buds. While it could be argued they combined them with the sample from HEK-293 to further facilitate their cellular reproduction, as HEK-293 is derived from a once living kidney, another possibility is to evade the question entirely as to where they procured the human tongue cells. By combining the two, they simplified the explanation back into stating “we just used HEK-293.”
While Senomyx was successful enough in their research to propel a partnership with Pepsi Co. in 2016, Their success was short lived. The company was eventually absorbed by Swiss firm Firmenich, in 2018, who took an excited look into producing flavorings for “plant based foods” thanks to a partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates to develop the perfect “grilled beef taste.”
Regarding the mixing of cells into HEK-293, research firms have used this technique for decades to solidify the “we only use HEK-293” or “PER.C6” to evade further introspection into the matter, hoping that the general public won’t be too curious as to where their fast food, cosmetic products or OTC drugs come from. Those who survived the onslaught of Covid-19 propaganda, may have themselves experienced their own mini-inquisition from employers who sought to discredit sincere religious convictions of those opposed to the mRNA injections under the guise of using aborted cells in their development. Employers asked questions like “Do you eat fast food? If so, your conviction must not be that strong.” Ironically, the same argument they use to excuse the products they want you to consume, is often used to wave away any issue with moral umbrage surrounding the process.
In a “research” article published by the NIH, Richard K Zimmerman wrote that the main issue many have to morally object to opening their hearts to mRNA injections, is proximity to the abortion used in its development.
“Bioethicist Robert Orr MD suggested criteria for evaluating moral complicity: (1) timing, (2) proximity, (3) certitude, (4) knowledge and (5) intent,” Zimmerman wrote.
It should be noted that none of these criteria relate to whether an action is “moral” but rather whether one’s participation in an immoral act makes them culpable. It’s a philosophical experiment asking at what level someone becomes as morally culpable as the one conducting the evil. Whether a murder happened five minutes ago or 20 years ago does not change the fact it was a murder, though I am sure Zimmerman’s funders, vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur, sincerely hope you see things from their perspective.
Since man has had the ability to think outside himself, the question has always danced on the end of his lips; “What happens after we die.” For those children affected by the industry of abortion, now we know. They are separated, disemboweled and preserved. Their individual parts are sent off to undisclosed research facilities to be further processed and sold to biomedical facilities where they may be injected into a rat to be test subjects for new bioweapons research or merged with others like them to help make cheeseburgers taste better at cheaper prices.
The question of what entities are backing Planned Parenthood or the push for abortion amendments can’t be narrowed down to one single industry. It’s nearly every industry that benefits from it. It’s NIH, NIAID, DARPA, McDonald’s, Pepsi Co. It’s skin cream companies and shampoo manufacturers. It’s everything except women’s health, which is the only thing it desperately wants you to believe it is.