Mock Lesbian Wedding Replaces Academics in Local Grade 8 Class?
BRUNSWICK, OHIO – A viral video making the rounds online allegedly shows a school-sanctioned event of which many parents may not be aware.
As a send-off for this past year’s spring break, conducted during a structured academic period known as PRIDE time, a group of eighth grade students at Brunswick Middle School in Brunswick, Ohio, participated in a faux “wedding” ceremony between two female students. According to school officials, PRIDE (which stands for Performance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Effort) time is used for a variety of purposes, most notably to promote the district’s social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum.
During this particular PRIDE time, held back in March, the mock ceremony included many of the trappings of a real wedding. There was the “bride” being walked down the aisle, the white bridal ensemble, a floral bouquet, an exchange of “vows,” written out the night before, and even an exchange of candy ring pops for the rings. Adding to the festive occasion was Wagner’s Bridal Chorus (“Here Comes the Bride”) and a male teacher strewing rose petals ahead of the eighth grader’s procession through the room. Along with a full class of student onlookers, four middle school teachers were present, including the teacher who gave students the go-ahead for the wedding in enough time for the plans to be carefully laid out.

After one student in class shared cell phone video of the event with parents, it eventually made its way to Protect Ohio Children, an Ohio group dedicated to exposing indoctrination in Ohio’s schools. In spite of Protect Ohio Children posting the video on its YouTube channel on April 14 and a concerned parent calling into local talk-radio host, Bob Frantz of WHK Radio about the incident, the district remained quiet; but as parental outrage grew, Brunswick’s Superintendent, Jason Niedermeyer, issued a statement via email, to all Brunswick City School District Recipients.
“After reviewing the circumstances, we learned that the activity – requested by students – was intended as a lighthearted activity leading into spring break,” Niedermeyer said. “[We] continue to work with staff to ensure we are clear about the ways to appropriately support and engage our students…”
As part of this “support,” Brunswick CSD already has a Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) club in place within its district and had gotten into hot water with parents in 2021 when word got out after the fact that the high school had devoted an entire week to Gay Pride during, its GSA Ally/Spirit Week, with an emphasis on students vocalizing their approval as allies and supporters of LGBTQ+ individuals.
To date, it is not known whether any of the four teachers involved with the incident have been disciplined or reprimanded, nor whether Brunswick City School District has put forth any more concrete guidance about the appropriate use of academic time for its students.