OPINION/Satire: The Batch Conundrum
Reprinted from The Heartland Beat
Keeping up on news regarding the mRNA injections can quickly become a full time job. Every few weeks there is a new study vindicating the virologists, immunologists and microbiologists who put their careers on the line to speak out early on these gene therapies. The Heartland Beat has previously covered the basic mechanism of actions for the mRNA injections, explaining how harmful they are at a basic level. Among the ever-growing weeds of how damaging these products are to our body there are small blips of data that can lead one down an even more ominous rabbit hole with global implications.

In Australia, the medical products are regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This foreign counterpart to the FDA is tasked with regulating medicines, medical devices, blood products and therapeutics. According to their website, they have been taking an inordinate amount of effort to ensure each individual batch of mRNA is “safe” through analysis of the vials.
“During the evaluation process for provisional registration, the TGA reviews data to confirm that the manufacturing process is well controlled and sets up how the quality of the vaccine will be maintained in future batches,” the website said. “To ensure these standards are maintained, the TGA will conduct a batch release assessment process for every batch of vaccine supplied in Australia. Every vaccine batch must pass the assessment before it is released for use.”
One can use their website to investigate every batch and see a nice, comforting message about how said batch passed metrics for both mRNA integrity, signal strength and purity standards. If we are to believe their process, you can feel safe and comfortable taking the experimental gene therapy injection into your arm knowing the enlightened regulatory agencies of the western world are looking out for you. Unless you looked at the recent Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, requests regarding individual batch data from said analysis.

Recently, a FOIA request was submitted to investigate the actual analytics on several batches that have been found in the Australian DAEN database, their counterpart to VAERS, to have been responsible for multiple deaths and serious injuries. Any batch that shows up more than once in a report would be significant cause for concern as each row listed in the request represents a person that died as a result of these injections. In this case, some of the more problematic ones were FK0738, FL5333, FH3221, FL7649 and 000062A, which were mentioned multiple times. These particular batches were noted on death reports within DAEN, which resulted in a request to actually search through the analytics that the TGA claims to have conducted. It is within this information that there was a problem.
Within their analytics, the TGA released Agilent analytics which show spikes indicating the read of potential RNA in the vial. The massive spikes on the chart indicate a ‘check’ that the RNA in the vial is what it is supposed to be. Within a vial that “checks out” you will see a nice smooth line followed by a giant sharp spike and then a flat line after as in the pictured example here, from batch 000060A.

The vials in question showed something else entirely for the more lethal batches, such as FK0738, FL5333, FH3221 and FL7649. You will notice significant bumps in the readout at around the 2000nt and 3000nt line. According to the Agilent analysis, this is indicative of the system reading additional RNA within the vial. RNA that should not be present and is not part of the “standard” code.

This revelation alone should have been enough for the TGA to ban these batches entirely, before they even reached clinics across the country. Instead, they were given a rubber stamp and sent to pharmacies and clinics where they were administered into peoples’ arms, killing many and damaging more. We may not ever know what else was contained in those batches or what it was coding for, but we do know that the TGA and the Australian government had access to the batch analytics because they were the ones collecting and approving them. They also were aware of the incoming reports that deaths were happening as a result of administering these batches. Their reaction to this was to immediately stop usage of these batches and mobilize a massive recall approve these batches specifically to be extended beyond their expiration date, so they could be used in more people.

But Wait….it gets worse….
The TGA currently claims to examine a sample of every batch of Pfizer’s mRNA product labeled Comirnaty…except batches reserved for Pfizer employees. Attempt to look up any of the reserved Pfizer employee batches such as FF0884, FA4598, FE3064, FA7338, FA7812, FC8736, FC3558 and you see the batches listed as “not tested” due to “limited batch quantity.” We can again only speculate what, if any, RNA those Pfizer specific batches contained.

The only reason we have this information is because the Australian TGA has been mandated with inspecting and evaluating individual products before they are released to the public as part of their previously established codified laws. Within the US, there is no such testing. The FDA is not investigating individual batches of the RNA compounds and is instead relying on the word of Pfizer, Modern and others that what’s in the vial is what they say. Like every nation currently under the pharma spell today, the FDA is claiming the compound is “safe” while ignoring the flashing red warning signs from VAERS, much like the TGA has done with DAEN. Those wanting to investigate the potential lethality of individual batches are reliant on the hard work of private citizens who are currently correlating VAERS data into a searchable database. You can currently look up the number of reports connected to individual batches at the “How Bad Is My Batch” search engine here. We may not have batch analytics looking at if it contains “additional” RNA, but we also may not need it.
There have been more than enough peer reviewed studies indicating how deleterious these compounds are. If programming your cells to produce toxic and thrombotic proteins wasn’t enough of a deterrent, a recent study from the Science journal of Immunology has indicated those who received two or more mRNA injections have completely impaired their immune system. The study indicated that the compounds caused a massive “class switch” from the bodies traditional IGG4 antibody response. To summarize, there are four classes of Immunoglobulins, IGG1, IGG2, IGG3 and IGG4. When you catch a cold or get a bacterial infection, IGG3 is dispersed to signal to your immune system that the infected cells need to be destroyed as soon as possible. It does this by sending inflammatory signals. Conversely, if you encounter peanuts or bee venom, your body released IGG4, which is a noninflammatory antibody that signals for your immune system to back off and let things be, leading to a systemic tolerance of the intrusion. The study indicates that people who received the mRNA injections now have immune systems that respond to COVID-19 the same way they do to tree pollen, by completely ignoring it. This is not a reaction you want to a replicating pathogen. The ramifications of this are massive and could fill a book. Longer, more damaging infections are to be expected from those with the injections as well as increased mutagenicity. There will be far more variants popping up than ever before as the immune system is not going to attack the spike and there are even more concerning discussions on if this could be an issue with all corona-type virus, not just SARS COV-2.
When I claimed we didn’t actually need the analytics of the batches to show our government officials knew these compounds were dangerous, I am referring to a paper authored by Anthony Fauci. This paper from 2015 is still behind a paywall, but thanks to researchers like Igor Chudov, we have excerpts from it.

This information would not be new to someone like Fauci, who would be more than aware of the dangers of shifting towards IGG4 for pathogen response as researchers in the field of immunology have been writing about it since the 1980’s. Recent studies have also linked the switch to repeat immunization injections. Throughout the mRNA injection rollout, Fauci and others have shouted the glory and praise of mRNA jabs because of the “antibody response” from those injections. That antibody response was the IGG4 response the previous paper indicated as being incredibly damaging to immune function. As Fauci has previously wrote a paper on how the uptick in IGG4 function would be detrimental in the case of HIV vaccination, trying to claim said uptick is now evidence of efficacy for his mRNA compound is borderline criminal. We are now approaching the line beyond foreknowledge that borders intent. At what point do we find the courage for accountability?