The WPATH Files and The Fight to Experiment on Children in Ohio
This article was originally published on The Heartland Beat here
Last week Judge Michael Holbrook, a judge in Franklin county, placed a two-week hold on the effective roll out of House Bill 68 due to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union in Ohio. The bill, known as HB 68, or the Saving Adolescents From Experimentation Act, sought to effectively thwart the potential roll out of pharmaceutical interventions on children and adolescents who identify as ‘trans’ as well as prevent the involvement of men in women’s sports.
The Lawsuit was filed on behalf of two adolescents, one a 12 year old boy identifying as a female, who, for what may be the first time in legal history, are claiming that progressing through puberty represents ‘injury.’
“Beyond the legal framework addressing the threat to plaintiffs' constitutional rights ... there is little doubt as to the irreparable nature of the actual physical injury to plaintiffs,” Holbrook wrote. “There is certainly a point where the changes to the body as a result of the progression of puberty cannot be reversed.”
The Ohio ACLU echoed a similar sentiment towards the natural function of aging.
“The sad truth is that the plaintiffs will also suffer immediate, very palpable harms,” ACLU of Ohio Legal Director Freda Levenson said.
Sometime around 2016, within the dark bowels of internet forums there emerged a term to describe the utter chaos and insanity for which the western nations were finding themselves in. It was a time when criminal crackheads and pedophiles were venerated as heroes while goodly, God-fearing men were torn asunder as the very thing wrong with society. That term was ‘Clown World’. It is perhaps even more apt a term to describe a legal system which would describe natural bodily functions as damaging or injurious with the only remedy being either chemical castration with petrochemicals such as Lupron to block puberty onset, often times to the long term detriment of the patient, or worse, surgical genital mutilation. It is a term which describes the upside down madness we are currently in when a group portraying itself as being pro ‘civil liberties’ is completely ignorant of one of the most basic civil liberties we should all recognize; informed consent.

Last month, journalist Mia Hughes, in association with a left-leaning organization called Environmental Progress, published a massive report compiling leaked messages between members of one of the leading international trans-medical rights groups in existence, the World Professional Association of Transgender Health, or WPATH. The organization provides guidance which is heeded by leading medical agencies around the world, including the American Academy of Pediatrics. In short, their guidance on how to treat ‘trans-identifying children’ is adopted and followed as “expert guidance.” The organization itself is composed of medical professionals, lawyers and trans-activists.

Sometime prior to the publishing of the report, now known as the WPATH files, Hughes was confronted with a massive amount of messages leaked from the internal WPATH forums in which central leadership within the organization revealed a complete disregard of standard medical practices and a level of depravity and insanity that indicated the organization is engaging in one of the largest experimentation campaigns ever seen in the western world. While those of us who survived the onslaught of propaganda from the Covid era may not be surprised to know the medical field has abandoned sanity, some may be shocked to see how evil it has truly become. Be advised, the following messages are real and can be incredibly graphic.
In discussing how to handle an adolescent patient identifying with dissociative identity disorder, a mental health condition in which an individual displays with multiple personalities, one gender therapist gave guidance on how to convince the ‘others’ within the patient to proceed with hormone therapy injections.
“One client who had [dissociative identity disorder], we worked on all alters giving consent to HRT before it was started. They had alters who were both male and female gender and it was imperative to get all the alters who would be affected by HRT to be aware and consent to the changes. Ethically, if you do not get consent from all alters you have not really received consent and you could be sued later, if they decide HRT or surgery was not in their best interest.”
In a separate exchange between medical practitioners confused as to how to handle the adoption of medical interventions on adolescent patients presenting with profound mental health conditions such as PTSD, major depressive disorder and schizoid typical traits, a lead author for the standards of care for WPATH replied thusly:
“I’m missing why you are perplexed… The mere presence of psychiatric illness should not block a person’s ability to start hormones if they have persistent gender dysphoria, capacity to consent, and the benefits of starting hormones outweigh the risks…So why the internal struggle as to ‘the right thing to do?’” Dr. Dan Karasic, lead author of WPATH Standards of Care 8 mental health chapter.
The message exchanges go further, indicating the practitioners within the WPATH network pushed to experiment on the mentally ill and homeless and showed a complete disregard for those patients who experienced regret after the fact.
“Some of the Dutch researchers gave some data about young adults who had transitioned and [had] reproductive regret, like regret, and it’s there, and I don’t think any of that surprises us.” - Dr. Daniel Metzger, Canadian endocrinologist.
Of the more egregious offenses within the leaked messages, were the exchanges between medical practitioners expounding the reality that children undergoing these interventions do not grasp the long-term consequences of the interventions. This represents an acknowledgement that the ‘patient’ in these experiments do not have informed consent. Ignoring international guidance from the Nuremberg Code, within the U.S., the following statements could represent acknowledgement of the crime of ‘battery’.

“[It is] out of their developmental range to understand the extent to which some of these medical interventions are impacting them. They’ll say they understand, but then they’ll say something else that makes you think, oh, they didn’t really understand that they are going to have facial hair.” Dianne Berg, child psychologist and co-author of the child chapter of WPATH Standards of Care 8
“We’re often explaining these sorts of things to people who haven’t even had biology in high school yet.” Dr. Daniel Metzger, Canadian endocrinologist
“It’s always a good theory that you talk about fertility preservation with a 14-year old, but I know I’m talking to a blank wall. They’d be like, ew, kids, babies, gross…
“I think now that I follow a lot of kids into their mid-twenties, I’m like, Oh, the dog isn’t doing it for you, is it?” They’re like, ‘No, I just found this wonderful partner, and now want kids…’ So I think, you know, it doesn’t surprise me…
“Most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of a brain space to really talk about [fertility preservation] in a serious way.” Dr Daniel Metzger, Canadian endocrinologist
The exchanges become even more disturbing as doctors go on to describe the type of body-modification surgeries they have performed. The tacit acknowledgement within these frank discussions is that there is no blueprint for any of it. The surgical removal of organs and tissue is entirely made up and is increasingly being tailormade to meet the desires of the mentally-ill who request them, representing things not found in nature.
“I’ve performed mastectomies without nipples, or have created chests with varying degrees of remaining breast tissue, or created incision patterns specific to my patient’s wishes. For bottom surgery, I’ve performed minimal-depth vaginoplasties (vulvoplasties), phallus-preserving vaginoplasties, and nullification procedures. I’m quite comfortable tailoring my operations to serve the needs of each patient.” - Dr. Thomas Satterwhite, California surgeon
“I think we are going to see a wave of non-binary affirming requests for surgery that will include non-standard procedures. I have worked with clients who identify as non-binary, agender, and Eunuchs who have wanted atypical surgical procedures, many of which either don’t exist in nature or represent the first of their kind and therefore probably have few examples of best practices…”
The reality of these practices is horrifying. Doctors are performing surgical alterations on mentally unstable individuals who have no grasp of the long term consequences they face. Many of these surgeries or interventions come with near immediate, painful consequences for which these medical practitioners describe in detail.
“Natal male patients on estrogen are described experiencing: “[erections] feeling like broken glass.”
Some surgical interventions, such as attempting to make a male look more like a female, involve extreme genital mutilation, severing the testicals and actually inverting the penis to create a pseudo-vagina. Others have experimented with rigging the now open wound where the male genitalia used to be up to the intestinal tract, where gastric discharge may form the makings of a pseudo lubricant for penetrative sex. Regardless of the procedure, those who have the surgery must continue to dilate the open wound with a handheld device to prevent the wound from closing, a process that is exceedingly painful for patients.
“It would be great if every patient could be perfectly cleared prior to every surgical intervention, but at the end of the day it is a risk/benefit decision…if the patient can’t follow the dilation schedule, they may lose depth, but as long as they’re capable of making that decision of sound mind while informed of the risks, then that may be all you can do.”
When we remove the rhetoric of the debate, which seeks to classify this madness as “healthcare” the picture becomes far more clear as to what is happening. This madness is human experimentation on the most vulnerable among us for the sake of profits and behind closed doors, medical practitioners and ‘activists’ behind the world's leading ‘trans-rights’ agency acknowledge the vile criminality behind every interaction. The lawsuit being filed in Ohio claims inversely that allowing a mentally ill child to progress through his body’s natural processes represents injury while loading him up with petrochemicals which will deform his bone development, lead to cancer formation, cause atrophy of his sex organ and painful yellowing discharge, or ultimately simply mutilate his body with surgical organ removal is ‘healthcare’. If one thought the medical system had spiraled out of control during the days of Covid, but was somehow going to find it’s way back to sanity, one only need to read through the WPATH files to realize how truly evil and malicious it truly is. Pretending otherwise represents the cognitive dissonance at the very heart of Clown World.