Black Fork Strategies Caught Submitting Falsified Voter Registrations in Ohio

By: Sandie Zimmerman
Black Fork Strategies is an Ohio organization whose mission, as stated on their website, is "Building Long-Term Progressive Power." One of their initiatives include voter registration canvassing, where they pay canvassers to register voters in Ohio and they may have recently been caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar.
On July 9, 2024 at the Hamilton County monthly Board of Elections (BOE) meeting, members of the board discussed what may be fraudulent voter registrations submitted by Black Fork.
According to their findings, a Black Fork canvasser had changed the addresses of two Hamilton County registered voters without their authorization or knowledge.
"When these two voters got a notice the Hamilton County BOE, they thought that we were changing their voter information, when it was a phony canvasser that changed it," Alex M. Triantafilou, board member of the BOE in Hamilton County, said.
The Black Fork canvasser also submitted a registration in the name of Henry Kissinger. No details of the registration matched any record of a Henry Kissinger on file at the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
Also presented to the board was a stack of Black Fork voter registrations about an inch thick, all of which reportedly had the exact same handwriting. Alex Triantafilou said
"It's plain and obvious to me that when you get this many registration cards with the very same handwriting, that someone is trying to defraud the elections process," Alex Triantafilou said. "This is fraud, this is outright fraudulent behavior. Voter fraud is real, it does happen, it happens many times in the form of phony registrations all in the same handwriting."
Another board member Joseph L. Mallory stated, "I've heard other counties in the state, having the same problem with suspicious registrations."
The case has been referred to Secretary of State (SOS) Frank LaRose’s "Election Integrity" team. Attorney General Dave Yost is aware and looking into Black Fork. Hamilton County BOE members have this issue on the docket for next month's meeting and can use the "Power of the subpoena" if unresolved.
This behavior is suspiciously similar to the GBI Strategies, fraudulent voter registration case, in Michigan October 3, 2020. At that time election officials found 8,000 - 10,000 fraudulent registrations submitted by GBI.
With voter confidence in our elections at an all-time low, we must demand that our elected officials seek to resolve this, potentially felony shenanigans, in a timely manner & prosecute those involved. Call your Ohio Representative and make your voice heard.
Ohioans can check their voter registration information, to confirm its accuracy by going to the Ohio Secretary of State website and typing in your name.
Expect more on this developing story as this disturbing saga unfolds.