Who is Renting from Littleton Properties?

SPRINGFIELD, OHIO - Thanks in no small part to the actions of President Trump at the most recent debate, the small town of Springfield, Ohio has been thrust into the spotlight. From allegations of wildlife being illegally hunted, to the sharp rise in crime and disease, many in the town have been asking themselves over the last 4 years of this invasion ‘why?’ Recent revelations regarding the Mayor’s business dealings have sparked more questions.
Springfield Mayor, Rob Rue, prior to his election, was most famous as being the sitting President of Littleton and Rue, a funeral parlor that has operated out of Springfield for years. Rue benefited greatly from the passing of the parlor property’s former owner, Katheryn Littleton, who left the property in her will to the city of Springfield under the condition it continued to operate in its original capacity. The managing company, Littleton and Rue, was able to then lease it back from the city for a mere $500 per month.

Between 2017 and 2020, a managing firm owned by Rob Rue, known as Littleton Properties LLC began purchasing several properties across the city, including the previously bequiffed funeral parlor and many family homes. In 2017 Littleton and Rue Inc transferred the majority of its property portfolio to Littleton Properties LLC. Since 2020, Littleton Properties has amassed a significant portfolio of properties in Springfield. Some have questioned whether the properties may currently be rented to members of the recent immigrant Haitian population. At this time it is unclear who is renting the properties. The properties stretch from areas on North Limestone to Mason. It is evident that around the time the properties were being transferred in 2020, the mass influx of immigrants began to come in.

It is interesting to note that the property located on 828 Mason was appraised as $17,500 but previously sold for $250,000.

In previous statements to the public, Mayor Rue and others within the city government have attempted to dissuade the viewing public from approaching the situation with scrutiny, claiming the city is a safe and great place to live despite allegations of pets disappearing, police dispatch reports of immigrants attacking ducks in the park and the sharp rise in crime and disease rates across the city. In the most recent commission meeting, a resident spoke out about how her mother was killed by a Haitian motorist and to this day, no charges or consequences have been brought down. Questions loom on if Littleton Properties LLC is potentially leasing properties to foreign invaders, as some have suggested. If so, Mayor Rue would be exercising authority in a severe conflict of interest with the city and should recuse himself immediately from any acting capacity over the immigration crisis.
Those dealing in property may be aware that the market operates much on the laws of supply and demand. With the current housing crisis afflicting the town, property values are increasing. This also means that the rate which government vouchers pay for housing increase as well as subsidies pay what is assessed as local fair market prices. In short, and increase in demand for housing is a boon for property owners.

Others at the September 10 meeting decried the ongoing homeless issue in the city. Allegations have been emerging about how landlords have been kicking out residents from properties in order to make “repairs” only to lease the properties to immigrants through government voucher programs, essentially evicting native residents to house replacement migration.

At this time, it is not known if the current inhabitants of the Littleton Properties LLC houses are part of the Haitian influx into Springfield.