Our Brave New World

Our Brave New World

Originally Posted on The Heartland Beat

Sometime ago, we took a look at a series of batch examinations of the mRNA injections on the market through the Australian governments Therapeutic Goods Administration, or TGA. The data available through the government’s own database indicated that at least some batches of the mRNA compounds being used on the market showed markers for additional code that was not accounted for. While these batches were directly tied to an increase in deaths and serious injuries, it was still a mystery as to what the contents may have been. A recent study released in Japan has discovered troubling inclusions to the mRNA injections and questions loom on if this study may shed some light on what else may have been hidden within those vials with blank inserts, opening a Pandora's Box of questions for the rest of the world.

In July of this year, Young Mi Lee,MD and Daniel Broudy, PhD published a study entitled “Real-Time Self Assembly of Stereo microscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna.” The study sought to examine the contents of the mRNA injections under observation through 400x magnification as it interacted with human cells and their findings set off the damage control alarms across the medical establishment. Almost immediately, the researches found the contents of the mRNA injections behaved near independently, displaying self-assembling behavior and responding to EMF, specifically in rabid proliferation. In short, Lee and Broudy determined these injections contained nano-bot like technology that the general public was not aware of and the regulatory agencies of the western world did not disclose.

The medical community was quick to shut down discussion into observations of these still experimental and unapproved compounds by stating what Lee and Broudy observed were simply the result of “self-assembling lipids”, such as cholesterol, and were totally natural. Lee and Broudy very recently published the scientific equivalent of a slap with a velvet glove in their response to anyone who doubted their observations or would attempt to wave them away.

“The samples were incubated for up to 630 days and observed for both morphology and behavior. Various self-assembling structures were found to form over time, some of which showed responsiveness to conditions of incubation, including a marked acceleration in development upon exposure to wireless radiation. In the context of relevant scholarly discussions in the diverse fields of interest, we noted that, “our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables” (in our abstract on p. 1180). We added that, “both the morphology and behavioral characteristics of these observed phenomena suggest that far from being pure (Finn, 2011, p. 138), these injectables are composed of, hitherto, undisclosed additional engineered components responsive to a range of internal and ambient forms of energy, all of which are traceable to and described throughout the scholarly literature.”

In their response to critics, Lee and Broudy explained that not only was the behavior of these examined items outside the range of natural elements, it was also observably nano-bot-like in structure. In their observation, the compounds behaved abnormally, forming “transparent ribbons, films, coils, and spirals” that are “very similar in structure to the micro-and magnetic-nanorobots already presented in numerous scholarly papers (Zhou et al., 2021).” Lee and Broudy were also quick to point out that dissenting opinions completely ignored their original findings that these items responded to EMF signals by rapidly proliferating, a point the medical damage control structures were hoping no one would remember.

Just add 5G and watch it grow!

The only conclusion to this is that these items observed were clearly not lipid nanoparticulate matter composed of fat and cholesterol as the populace was sold. This is something far worse.


At the beginning of 2020, as COVID was still making its way through China and barely a blip on the average American’s radar, a Harvard research named Charles Lieber was arrested for connections to experimental bioresearch programs in Wuhan China. The main charge for the case was espionage, as Lieber was contracted by DARPA and dealing with federal funds to develop next-generation biomedical “research”, with his specific field being in development of nano-technology. Most of his research dealt with the development of nanoparticle microtubules and transistors that could either monitor, control or turnoff biological functions, or be used to contain and ‘release’ genetic material into the body once injected. Lieber was arrested when it was discovered he was splitting his ‘gains of function’ with the Chinese government. Again, the issue wasn’t that the federal government was funding Lieber to develop biomedical technology that could presumably be used as a weapon against humanity, it was that he was letting another country also have access to this research.

Lieber with Robert Langer of Moderna

Liber’s research dealt with virus sized transistors, similar to what is known as mesogens, liquid like crystal structures that are self-assembling and can respond to external stimuli such as EMF. In short, his research was being funded by DARPA to develop radio-controlled nano-technology that could cross the blood-brain barrier.

Currently, DARPA works closely with a program entitled The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, or DTRA. One of the DTRA’s main focuses right now is a program entitled the The Blood Brain Barrier Program.

On it’s surface, the program is seeking to understand and better treat nerve agents and developed alphaviruses “just in case” one of our enemies decides to use such weapons. However, one cannot ignore the previous research DARPA has additionally been interested in, such as the development of ferritin nanoparticles for the purpose of, and this is not hyperbole, literal mind control.

Mind Control is BADASS!

In 2016, researches used synthetic ferritin nanoparticles in mice to cross the blood brain barrier and then alter mood and behavior using radio frequency waves to manipulate those ferritin particles post-injection. Ironically, in 2021, during the heavily DARPA influenced Operation Warp Speed, researchers attempted to construct ferritin based mRNA injections under DARPAs watchful eye.

To boldly go where Geneva Conventions would never permit

It is clear that the maddest minds in the world are inherently interested in the concept of “The Internet of Bodies” and the interlinking of human biology with technology. They have developed patents on it and are actively pushing society into a new frontier of digital surveillance which will include biometrics. The World Economic Forum has been discussing the goal of linking humanity together under a borg-like digital structure since the eve of COVID.

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The question is not whether or not they have the technological means to do something like this. They do and have had it for a while. Additionally, we should not be asking ourselves whether or not a government which developed Operation Northwoods would consider coercive and deceitful tactics to inject massive swathes of the population with nanotechnology allowing God knows what access to their bodies. Such questions are juvenile given the historical context of the ruling class and their openly stated goals. The only question to ask ourselves today it seems is have they already done it, and if so, what can be done about it?

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