The Problem With Smoking Guns...

This article was originally published on The Heartland Beat, which can be found here
The problem with breaking stories is that information comes like a water hose; fast, chaotic and difficult to sift through. Given time, more information will come out painting a much clearer picture of what occurred.
On Saturday, June 13, former president Donald Trump gave a rally speech in Pennsylvania, much like any other. He brought a teleprompter to show the audience numbers and figures on immigration and during his speech, while turning his head for a brief second to look at the monitor, a bullet from an AR-15 pierced his ear. Several more rounds showered his general area, splashing through his podium and hitting bystanders in the seats behind him. In the aftermath of the attack was death, chaos and panic. But then something happened. In a moment of what was possibly motivated by pure adrenaline, Trump stood up from the ground, raised his fist in a groundswell and those who came in attendance cheered in celebration.

Thanks to the information age, information on the attack came fast and furious. It became apparent that multiple security measures were not taken into account. The roof that the shooter took aim from was not only left entirely unsurveilled, but it had a clear 150 yard shot at the president. More egregious was that the snipers had seen the shooter more than 20 minutes before the shooting began bouncing around on rooftops. Perhaps even more unbelievable was the multitude of bystanders who saw, videotaped and reported the would-be assassin to law enforcement at the event prior to the shooting starting and the complete lack of action to evacuate the area or engage with the suspect.

After the event, the FBI officially pinned the shooting on a 20 year old with such extreme political convictions, he never so much as posted officially any political statements on social media. His first and last act of political activism was the attempted assassination of a former president without motive. What has been revealed about the youth has been sparse. We now know he was allegedly a member of a gun club where he went with his psychotherapist father and that he appeared in a BlackRock advertisement filmed at his school because when you are playing six degrees of separation from evil with these people, you never make it past one.
Still none of this tells us much about the situation beyond what we already assumed, namely that the Federal Government is clearly inept and incapable of performing even the basic semblance of their duties. Unless it does. What if the Federal Government, and its intelligence agency rogue state controllers were not inept, but rather extremely unlucky. What if areas were intentionally left uncheck and unmonitored to permit a patsy shooter to take aim at a high value target and at the last minute, a turn of the head threw all of their plans into disarray? What if the reason why snipers did not take any shots until after the shooter let loose his own is because they weren’t supposed to? What if the reason they verbally reported “shooter down” with such positive affirmations and allowed Trump to stand back up is because they knew there would only be one shooter with one opportunity they were certain would do the job? Someone that could make 400 yard shots on the regular at the range making a 150 yard shot in an open field a cake walk? Such an allegation would need some sort of evidence of foreknowledge and a power player with enough influence to make it happen.
The problem with smoke guns is once you find them, you can’t unfind them.

On July 12, A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT, Donald Trump’s media company, via a put option. The move was one of the most significant options in the companies history and occurred just 24 hours before an assassin’s bullet nearly killed him. The company made a massive bet that Trumps media company would lose significant value quickly. Had he died, Austin Private Wealth may have been waging a $450 million bet that Trump stock plummets after July 12.

This isn’t some 100 share block, this is a massive short. The company believed Trump’s venture would plummet imminently during a time when he was more of a hot topic than ever before. Such a thing has not occurred since the airline stock shortage prior to 9/11. The simplest explanation is they knew something might occur that would render the company near valueless.
So who is Austin Private Wealth LLC? Austin Private Wealth LLC, a completely unknown financial services company that went from 300m Assets under Management to over $1 Billion in 2 years. Some of their top holdings, as reported in 13F filings, include The Rothchild Family, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush and the Cheney family. It has cozy connections to international lobbying organizations like the ADL and ACLU. Rumors speculate around the web of a potential link to James A. Baker III being their senior policy director, but this does not appear anywhere on their site or in documents. Baker of course held prominent positions with both Bushes. However, more discernibly, the company’s holdings include Black Rock.

Yes, that is the same Black Rock that was face deep in the alleged shooter’s business.
As of 7/16/2024, Austin Private Wealth has scrubbed any mention of their Trump Media from their portfolio. No doubt for the same reason Black Rock erased their video of the alleged shooter.

Now, one could make excuses and assumptions as to why these things may be. Black Rock is one of the largest investment firms on the planet with more money and control than any nation, it will inevitably include holdings from a multitude of other companies and firms. A company of that size would of course film advertisements of their philanthropic work and it is simply pure coincidence that one of their videos contains a bad actor. However, at a certain point one is spending more time arguing extreme coincidences instead of acknowledging that they shouldn’t all be true simultaneously.
Trump’s security at that event was beyond suspiciously lacking. The secret service was aware and saw the shooter before he began firing. Bystanders videotaped him climbing the building and police were warned. No one took action. No one interfered until after shots rang out. The fact that a completely unknown investment firm that went from rags to riches mysteriously in 2 years, with connections to the Globalist investment firm that “knew” the shooter, shorted his stock a day before his assassination attempt is not just coincidental, it’s grounds for immediate investigation.
While the specter of 9/11 and the coincidences of Dallas Texas 1963 are glaringly obvious, one single fact remains here that separates this event from those. Donald J. Trump survived. In a last second turn of his head the bullet meant for his occipital lobe grazed his ear instead. In the aftermath of 9/11 families fought for years through bureaucratic hearings and endless litigation to get answers and justice for their families whom they knew were lost to a false flag operation. In the wake of JFK’s assassination, the government circled their wagons and told the world lies while his surviving family drowned in chaos forever after. After July 13, Trump stood up and carried with him a groundswell of support that will potentially be unbeatable in November. The establishment attempted to bankrupt him with frivolous lawsuits, they smeared his name and tried to put a bullet in his head. None of it worked and he is close to sitting in one of the most powerful chairs in the country while he reaches across the aisle to unlikely allies who may understand the chaos awaiting.

The Problem with evil is that if it doesn’t win, it better hide. Because sometimes there is potential for a scarier dog to bare it’s teeth. Only time will tell is this is that time or these are those people. However, what we can say is BlackRock making an enemy of the President is a good thing for the average citizen.
UPDATE: 7/18/2024
In one of the most rapid responses to controversy in history (Updated at 2:00 a.m.), Austin Private Holdings LLC Issued the following statement.

The response from Austin Private Holdings is that the Trump short was the result of a “clerical error” in which they only intended to short the stock in the amount of 1200 shares, not 12,000,000. This would be the equivalent of a $39 bet for a company with AUM exceeding billions. While the timing of the short was addressed only that it was technically filed on 6/30/2024, less than two weeks before the assassination attempt instead of one day, leaving skeptics still weary as to why such a significant asset firm, that garnered billions under management in record time decided to make such an inconsequential bet on a “penny stock” during an obtuse time. The short was amended after it was evident the payout for such a loss of 12,000,000 shares would be fiscally devastating for the company. One might ask the question if the filing would have been rectified had it gone another direction. It should be noted that the original amount of $39 dollars was visible on the original filing and does not necessarily answer to the above stated questions. By all estimates, Trump’s death would have crashed NASDAQ and DOW and anyone holding a short on stocks associated with Trump, from Rumble, X or Trump Media, could have stood to make anywhere from $600 Billion to $1 Trillion in profit.