Video of LEO Alleges Springfield Ohio Commissioners Stop Residents From Helping Homeless?

Video of LEO Alleges Springfield Ohio Commissioners Stop Residents From Helping Homeless?

SPRINGFIELD - A video circulating online has raised eyebrows allegedly showing law enforcement officers stopping citizens from delivering firewood to the homeless at the direction of the Springfield Ohio Commissioners ahead of the coldest day of the year.

Springfield, Ohio has not ever been without its troubles, however the massive spike in population due to employment sponsorship programs, often abused, such as the Temporary Protective Status immigration program, has left many throughout the city displaced from work and even homes. The massive spike in housing demand has led to rising housing costs and landlords seek to pack as many ‘renters’ as possible into single units to maximize government subsidy payouts. These events have overstrained emergency services to the point of breaking and made daily life more difficult for heritage citizens. Those left within the city now must contend with a justice system that completely ignores the crimes of their newly subsidized neighbors while they may be forced out onto the streets as vagabonds in their hometown, to better facilitate their tax subsidized replacement. 

A video circulating online now seemingly depicts a local resident attempting to help his fellow Springfielders that are homeless by delivering firewood so they will be able to stay warm on what is expected to be the coldest night of the year.


Local resident William Monaghan filmed the video and posted it to his Youtube channel. According to a post by Monaghan on social media and the video provided, the responding officer, Ranger Roxanne Lough, clearly states that her supervisor had informed her, by order of the city commissioners, that residents were not permitted to deliver firewood to the homeless, some of which, according to Monaghan, may be displaced Springfield residents now homeless due to the massive migrant influx. City Commissioner Tracey Tackett denied the allegations the city commissioners had anything to do with the filmed interaction via her Facebook page.

While the commissioners office has denied allegations of involvement, it would not be the first time less than honest reporting has come out of the city administrations office. As TOR has previously reported on the Clark County justice system failing to file and convict criminal traffic charges against Haitian migrants, most likely because of the potential for deportation associated with misdemeanor crimes, while stating officially that Haitians 'have not deliberately caused an obstruction of traffic.'

Springfield City Manager Brian Heck had stated at the most recent city commission meeting that a separate meeting will be held to discuss using tax-funded resources to address the needs of the homeless in Springfield, though that will not be done in time to address the immediate need of the homeless before some of the harshest winter weather hits.

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